I know that Valentine’s Day is just a money grab for the most part but its you who chooses whether to feed into that. To show that special someone how much you love them doesn’t have to take money. Get back to the basics. It’s a day to show the love of your life that you still choose them, they are still your one and only, and you appreciate everything about them.
I try and look at all the little things on Valentine’s Day. The way my boyfriend grabs my hand no matter where we are, the way he brushes my hair off my face, or the times that dinner is made and the wine is poured when I get home from a long day at work (this is my favourite). These things sometimes get forgotten or over looked in the craziness we call life. Don’t let these moments pass you by. Life’s to short to be wrapped up in it.
Stop and take a moment this Valentine’s Day to show your special someone you truly care. Make them feel special!